Sadie's Thoughts

This is my blog. It's for when Momma is away from the compooter, which seems like never. I have lots of adventures and I'll tell you about them when no hoomans are around.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Momma come home!

Momma went away again, but she came home. I was so excited to sees her. I miss my Momma when she goes away.

When she came home, I tried to climb on her lap to give her kisses, but she pushed me away. She said she was hit by a car, so she has boo-boos. So I snuggled her last night to make her feel better. She says Auntie Jen crashed the car so I have to be careful. She's been sleeping a lot lately too. But she says that Daddy and Auntie Jen are leaving soon so it'll be just me and her for a few days. Yea! I get to spend time with the Momma.

I like people foods. Momma gave me frenchy fries last night and this morning, I wanted some of her breakfast, even though I had already eaten mine. So she let me eat off the fork. Daddy said it was yucky that she ate off the fork right after me, but what does he know? Momma says I eat off a fork good. So I may get more people foods, even though they say I'm not a peoples. But I should be! I have ears, a nose, feets, eyes and mouth. I should eat people foods. I like it. Time to go bug Auntie Jen for people foods, or go wake up the Daddy because he's supposed to be leaving soon.


  • At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Tell your Momma that you must have OTTER POPS. Da Momma says you can get them at most Wally's -- whatever that is. YOU MUST HAVE OTTER POPS.

    Ya know Sadie, yous a really good escaper -- maybe you could be an honorary member of the HULA's?? Us huskies like to escape lots, but we've never gotten as far as Arizona -- leasts I don't think so...Want me to ask about you being a HULA????

    Da Momma calls us HULA-gans as a joke, she doesn't realize we WILL take over the world. Already I learned how to steal her credit cards to order toys and treats on the internet.


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