Today's my Berfday!!!!

I went for a long walk yesterday. I did okay, Momma says. But there were other doggies that I wanted to play with and they woofed at me. And then there was this thing shooting something out of it all over the grass and the sidewalk. I didn't know what it was. Momma says it was a sprinkler and it was just water, but I don't believe her. It's some kinda stoopid automatic bath thing, I know it!
Oh, Everypup, you need to tell your hoomans this: There are pups DYING because of their foods. And the people who makes the foods don't know why! The list is very long of the foods that are contaminated. It's a lot of foods that I USED to eat, but I don't anymores. Foods like Ol' Roy, Eukanuba, and Nutro Max. Momma buys me Blue Buffalo. I like it lots. So Everypup, go check your foods. If it has any of those lables on it that's on that webpage, go throw it away. Be careful, your hoomans may not know yet so they may think you are just hungry. But DON'T EAT IT!

Barking of weather, it's been hot here. Not like Summer Hot, but just hotter than normal for this time of year. Momma says it's almost hot enough to get my simmin pool out and filled. I wouldn't mind. As long as it doesn't frozed over like her's!
Okay, so that is all I want to say. Expect more pictures later when I go to the puppy store. Momma says she's gonna bring the camera so I can takes pictures of my trip. Hopefully there are pups there to talk to about the foods. I think the puppy store would know about it. Probably my foods is gonna be the ONLY foods you can buy! Lukcy me!
At 1:24 PM,
DustyDoodles said…
Happy Birfday Sadie!!
WOOWOOWOOWOOOOO!!! You are as old as Doodles!!! You should have played on that frozen pool -- it would have been fun -- our pool gots frozen this winter too and I had fun breaking it up -- I did better than Da Momma!!!
At 8:45 AM,
Shannon said…
Awww - Major Happy Barkday!!
Lab smiles,
Dakota & Cheyenne
The Lab Brats Dog Blog
At 10:18 AM,
Sparky said…
Happy Birthday Sadie! Make sure you pick out the most expensive toy possible on your trip tonight.
At 4:47 PM,
Liza said…
Happy birthday Sadie!!!
Now you are four like me. Mom and I were happy to see your post!!
Have a good rest of the week!!
At 3:30 AM,
Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said…
Happy (late) Barkday Sadie Mae :-) I hope that you had a wonderful day full of lots of treats and extra hugs and kisses :-)
At 6:57 AM,
Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said…
Happy Belated Birthday, Sadie. We hope you had a wonderful time and you got lots of pets and loving. You don't look a day over 2!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
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