Sadie's Thoughts

This is my blog. It's for when Momma is away from the compooter, which seems like never. I have lots of adventures and I'll tell you about them when no hoomans are around.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Momma wants me to post this....

Momma's favorite singer had one of his doggies go to the Bridge. Apparently the little Chihuahua was attacked by a yipper. I don't know what the yipper's were doing in Georgia. I thought Dusty had all the yippers there. Momma says she sometimes sees yippers out here too. The other little Chihuahua is in the Doggie ICU. It's always sad when Doggies have to go to the Bridge, espeically when it's not their time to go. Momma says that one of Gramma's dogs accidentally killed her playmate and he had to go the Bridge. Momma also told me that she worries about me while she's at work. I don't know why. I'm in my yard now. And I don't go to Arizona, though sometimes I wanna go find Momma when she stays gone for a long time. Today she came home for lunch time and let me run around the house and sleep on the couch while she played on the computer. Now it's almost dinner time and she says she is going to go out and buy me a doggie house. She says she wants to do this before the rain comes. Yeah, it'll be fun to play in the rain and get all muddy again. I like playing in the mud.

Okay, gotta go bug Momma for dinners. I think I might need to use Charlie's clock thingie because I'm hungries and Momma is probably gonna say it's not time for dinner yet. *grrr*


  • At 6:04 PM, Blogger DustyDoodles said…


    Da momma told me your real news and you've not shared it yet. Are you scared or something???

  • At 6:56 PM, Blogger ranger said…

    what's the BRIDGE?????


  • At 5:29 AM, Blogger Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said…

    Charlie's clock seems to have been quite a hit - now we just gotta get the humans to abide by it !


  • At 5:52 PM, Blogger Sadie Mae said…


    The Bridge is Rainbow Bridge. It's where all the Doggies (and other animals too) go after they pass away to wait for their humans to join them.


    Yeah, Momma makes me wait. I don't like it. I'm hungries ALL the time!

    -Sadie Mae Dog


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