Sadie's Thoughts

This is my blog. It's for when Momma is away from the compooter, which seems like never. I have lots of adventures and I'll tell you about them when no hoomans are around.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

What's been happening...

Sadie SniffingHere I am on my way to the Doggie Spa. It kinda smelled like the way to the Doggie Jail, but then we turned another way. When we got to the Doggie Spa, I didn't want to go inside. But Momma told me it was Doggie Spa, so I went in. Then, Daddy tried to hand me off to the lady and again I didn't wanna go. But Momma was there, petting me so I went. Then they put me in a crate. Momma and Daddy left and I was there with all these other doggies.

When Daddy came to get me, they had made me take a bath and then they tried to blow dry me. I didn't like the blow drier. It was loud like the vroomy thing. And they didn't do my toesys until Daddy said to. They also stealed my furs. Like they CUT IT AWAY! Fortunately they didn't shave me! They did give me a pretty purkle bow for my collar. But I don't like bows. I like dannas.

Sadie with her pretty bowMomma says I look prettys. But I smelled like wet dog when she got me. Well, what was I supposed to smell like? I didn't like the dryer thingie. Momma eventually cut off my bow. So that was better. Momma says they asked the stoopid questions like "Do I need to be shaved?" (SHAVED? AND STEAL MY PRETTY FURS?) and "Is she shedding?" (I always shed. I'm a Lab, silly!) They did say I was cute, so that made me feel better. Momma says we'll probably go to the Doggie Spa in the Puppy Store that I gets to go into next time. But that's gonna be a long time from now. Right now, I'm prettys.


  • At 4:27 PM, Blogger DustyDoodles said…

    Oh my doG, they STOLE your furs??? That's it Doodles is never, no how, no way, going to a Spa. Sadie did you do the bitie thing when they stole your furs??? You know where you grab them and look all mean (but don't hurt them cuz they are stoopid hoomans)?? You shoulda done the bitie thing. And what in doG's name did they do to your toes??? Don't tell me you are missing your toes now???? WWWWWWOOOOOOO

  • At 5:23 PM, Blogger Sadie Mae said…

    They just cut my toey nails. They didn't paint them though, so that's good. They didn't just steal my furs, they cuts it! Don't go there or they'll cuts all your furs off Dusty!

    -Sadie Mae Dog

  • At 7:12 PM, Blogger DustyDoodles said…

    Oh dear doG, it gets worse and worse -- they cuts your furs?? Did it hurt?? I'm so sorry Sadie. When Da sister comes here, Doodles will get her back for you.

  • At 5:04 AM, Blogger Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said…

    You are very pretty Sadie Mae - but you were pretty even before you went to the Doggie Spa.


  • At 7:01 AM, Blogger Sadie Mae said…

    Thank you Opy. That's what I thinks too. Momma says I have to go to the Doggie Spa because she doesn't like to give me baths in our little bath tub. Plus I try to drink all the water! And I don't like hoses, I eats them if Momma leves them around. Not to mention, Momma doesn't like to cut my toey-nails.

  • At 12:02 PM, Blogger Splash said…

    Oooh I hate it when I go to the place where they trim my toenails. Jewel (my ister) stays home and mom trims her toes. But I wriggle too much and I have to go to the bad place. My tail curls all the way under!

    Then they give me cookies so that is all right. Actually, now I drool when I walk in 'cause I know there is cookies on the way, but my tail still curls between my legs.

  • At 3:53 PM, Blogger Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said…

    Poor Sadie Mae,

    Why do they do that to us? You were beautiful before they took you to that Spa. You didn't need any of that stuff done to you. And to steal your furs! There must be a law against that. We don't like baths. We don't like nail trimming. We don't like the Spa. We like to stay home and eat.

    Roxie, Sammy & Andy

  • At 6:21 PM, Blogger Sadie Mae said…

    Roxie, Sammy & Andy: I agree. Stealing furs should be outlawed! Not allowed. No more! Stealing furs is WRONG! Okay, maybe some dogs need their furs shaven, like those poodle-things. But in general, stealing furs is bad!

    Splash: I would probably wiggle too if Momma and Daddy tried to cut my toey-nails. I just hope that the next time I gets to go to the store that makes me smell prettys as well as look prettys too.

    -Sadie Mae Dog

  • At 12:11 AM, Blogger Charlie - The Big Dog said…

    Have your humans got one of those vroomys too? I hate those stupid things.

  • At 10:03 PM, Blogger Boo Boo said…

    What is this talk about stealing furs and toe nails ???

    Its sinful to steal our furs and nails !!

    I hates my fur to be stolen (well, not that I have that much fur to be stolen anyway) .... but still

    and the only person I allow my toe nails to be stolen is my human companion (in exchange for food)

    anyone else who dares to steal my toe nails, I will CHOMPED their hands off !!!!

  • At 7:21 PM, Blogger Sadie Mae said…

    Yes Charlie, we do have one of those vroomy things. It doesn't do a whole lot because only the bedrooms have carpet. Everything else is slippy-tile, especially if my toey-nails get too long. Plus Momma can hear me if I walk around the house because of the slippy tile.

    Boo Boo: I didn't think I had a lot of fur to be stolen either, but they did it! They stole my fur. Granted it does fall off ALL the time and Momma hates it when I rub on her so she doesn't forget me!

  • At 6:45 AM, Blogger ranger said…

    hi sadie! i missed you but now i am back. i would love to see your pretty r hot! xoxo

  • At 7:26 AM, Blogger DustyDoodles said…

    Sadie you've been TAGGED!!! Come to my blog to read all about it!


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