Sadie's Thoughts

This is my blog. It's for when Momma is away from the compooter, which seems like never. I have lots of adventures and I'll tell you about them when no hoomans are around.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Sleepy Time

Momma always seems to get pictures of me sleeping so I figured I would post the pictures of me sleeping before I go Sleepy Time.

This is me sleeping in the chair.
Sadie sleeping in the chair
This is me sleeping with a blankie on me.
Sadie covered and sleeping
This is me sleeping on the bed with Daddy.
Sadie sleeping with Daddy
No pictures please, I'm sleeping!
Sadie with a jacket on her face
This is me sleeping on one of Momma's books. Be glad I wasn't reading it, Momma!
Sadie sleeping on a book
This is me sleeping on the couch. See, I'm doing the head thing again!
Sadie sleeping on the couch
Here I am sleeping on Duckie so he doesn't get away!
Sadie sleeping on her Duckie

Okay, so now I'm going Sleepy Time and I probably will sleep through the rest of Meeshka's blog-a-thon because I'm a tired girl and I need my beauty sleep. Night all! Try and keep Meeshka awake!


  • At 10:32 PM, Blogger Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said…

    Hey Sadie Mae,

    You sleep almost as much as I do !! I think I am up to ablout 15 hours a day now - a girl needs her beauty sleep, I agree !
    I need you to tell me how to graduate to the humans bed though - I am not allowed up on that :-( What's the secret ?


  • At 7:56 AM, Blogger Sadie Mae said…


    I just jump up there and lay down. Sometimes they leave the door open and I get to go sleepy on the bed with no hoomans on it. If they are going sleepy, then I usually get kicked off so they don't have to wiggle around me. I like to take up half the bed!

    -Sadie Mae Dog

  • At 6:49 PM, Blogger ranger said…

    you are so lucky. i do not get to sleep on the couch or the bed. not even if they are in the room!!


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