Sadie's Thoughts

This is my blog. It's for when Momma is away from the compooter, which seems like never. I have lots of adventures and I'll tell you about them when no hoomans are around.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

My trip to ARIZONA!

Okay, so some dogs have asked about how I got to ARIZONA. And since Meeshka posted during her blog-a-thon I guess it's time I talk about my trip.

Momma and I had just moved down to the desert. I used to live in an olive orchard with a BIG yard. I had so much fun in that BIG yard. Then we moved and Momma was gone every day for long times. So sometimes I would get so that I missed her and I would escape from the yard. Well, one time, I escaped and after a week of pretty much being on my own and looking for Momma, I cane across this lady with a beagle-dog. She thought I was lame. (I'm not. I just waddle when I walk because I have narrow hips.) So she asked the peoples about me and they said I was a stray because I didn't have no collar on. Well, she gave me some water and some foods and then when she went to get in her car, I tried to get in too to go bye-bye! Well, she thought that I must belong to someone, so she put me in the car and we drove and drove and drove...all the way to ARIZONA!

Then she called the Doggie Jail wheres I live and talked to the peoples there. They said Momma was looking for me. So then she called Momma. Momma wasn't home though. So when Momma called back, Momma told the hooman man there that my name was Sadie and when he said that, I looked at him. I eventually came over to him and he wanted to look at my tummy. See, Momma only told the Doggie Jail that I had a tattoo so that in cased I ever gots lost she would have someway to tell it was me. So the hooman man talked to Momma more and then a couple days later they took me to the doctor. He scanned me and the scanner said I belonged to Momma. So I got to get in the car and go bye-bye again with the lady. When we stopped at the cheesyburger place, I looked up and there was Momma and Daddy! I was so happy to be back with them that I gives them lots and lots of kisses.

While I was in ARIZONA, I did get to play with lots of other dogs, including another lab. We went swimmin and wrasled. It was fun, but I really did miss my Momma. I'm so glad to be back home with her and Daddy. I gets to sleep on the bed and I get my foods when I should. And now I know that no matter what, Momma will ALWAYS come home to me. She just has to go out and work so I can have my foods and cookies. She says I might even get to go out and see her work this year, but I don't know yet. All I know is that Momma says she has to go back to work soon and she's already started leaving me home alone again for a while. But I'll have Daddy around most of the time, except for when he's at work too.

So that's how I ended up in ARIZONA.


  • At 7:33 PM, Blogger DustyDoodles said…

    Face it Sadie, you just wanted to go on vacation all by yourself! You were lucky that the lady didn't do mean things to you. STAY in your yard!! k???

  • At 6:34 AM, Blogger Charlie - The Big Dog said…

    Im glad you all were re-united. I know its fun to explore, but its MUCH better to stay at home safe with your hoomans.

  • At 3:33 PM, Blogger Sadie Mae said…

    Charlie: I agree. I love the Momma and Daddy. But I need some Doggie Friends to go play with. But I think I'll stay here and sleep on the couch and the bed.


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