Big News....
First off, my berfday is coming up in like ten days. I'm gonna be five years old.
Secondly...Momma and Daddy is getting married! They gonna get married this summer and I don't get to go. *wimper* Oh well. I guess I'll be okay with that. But Momma is gonna go away again. She went bye-bye for five days last month and I missed her lots. And she says she's going to go away again at the end of May so she can get ready for the wedding. She says she's also going away in two weeks for a whole week so she can go visit Gramma. I'm not too happy about this. I might need to go chew up her suitcases so she can't go bye-bye without me.
Here's a couple pictures of me in case you forgots what I looked like.

Come Momma! Let's go to Gramma's house!

Okay, I'll drive.

Sleeping with Daddy!
At 10:27 PM,
Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said…
happy barkday sadie mae :-) I know I am alittle late - but i am so glad that you have posted again - I have missed you.
congrats to your mumma too - that is great news :-)
maybe you could go stay with Dusty Doodles and tell him he needs to blog again too - as we all miss him as well !
lots of love,
At 4:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sorry you are going to miss the wedding..did you tell them you would behave impeccably and even let them dress you for the special day (well that might be going a bit far!)
At 10:24 AM,
H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said…
Happy belated birthday!
At 11:22 AM,
Unknown said…
I hope you always wear your seatbelt when you're driving. LOL.
At 5:05 AM,
The Musketeers said…
We wish you a Merry Christmas ,
We wish you a Merry Christmas ,
We wish you a Merry Christmas ,
xoxo ,
Four Musketeers & family
Lady , Zena , Cody & Joyce
At 6:55 AM,
Teesha and Bindie said…
Are you still around, come out to play if you are
At 7:27 AM,
Life With Dogs said…
It's been so long Sadie - how have you been? :)
At 4:56 AM,
Anton said…
Happy Birthday !!!!
This is my dog breeds website. A lot of info about different dog breeds. Feel free to take a look.
At 4:53 PM,
EFT Video said…
Congrats for your mom and dad! Hope you had a great 5th birthday with them!
At 7:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
Tremendous news. Weddings means more peoples in your life to love you, and that's ALWAYS good news!
- - - - - - -
dog beds and more
At 7:35 AM,
lildogomine said…
I'm sorry mommy is leaving for a few days, but glad daddy will keep you company. Congrats on your parents getting married, wish you could be part of the wedding. Here is that website I wagged about
At 6:42 PM,
Dog Training Tips said…
Please extend my best wishes to your mommy and daddy.. Your so cute in the pictures... Careful always. and be good always so that in the next trip you can go with them..
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At 4:40 PM,
lildogomine said…
So excited about the wedding, do you get to be the doggy ring bearer? Hope so. Anywoofs this is a cool site that I thought you would like
At 10:09 PM,
invisible fence said…
Happy birthday !!!!
*hugs and tummy rubs from scout's mom*
At 8:24 PM,
radio fence said…
Poor you! Come here & stay with us. We will play with you.
At 11:28 PM,
Shane Kent Louis said…
Nice pictures with your i like it..keep posting :)
Dog Fence
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