Puppy Spa
I'm now all white and pretty again. Momma says I was icky. I don't know the difference. Time to go outside and roll in the dirt!
This is my blog. It's for when Momma is away from the compooter, which seems like never. I have lots of adventures and I'll tell you about them when no hoomans are around.
I went for a long walk yesterday. I did okay, Momma says. But there were other doggies that I wanted to play with and they woofed at me. And then there was this thing shooting something out of it all over the grass and the sidewalk. I didn't know what it was. Momma says it was a sprinkler and it was just water, but I don't believe her. It's some kinda stoopid automatic bath thing, I know it!
Oh, Everypup, you need to tell your hoomans this: http://www.fda.gov/oc/po/firmrecalls/menu03_07.html There are pups DYING because of their foods. And the people who makes the foods don't know why! The list is very long of the foods that are contaminated. It's a lot of foods that I USED to eat, but I don't anymores. Foods like Ol' Roy, Eukanuba, and Nutro Max. Momma buys me Blue Buffalo. I like it lots. So Everypup, go check your foods. If it has any of those lables on it that's on that webpage, go throw it away. Be careful, your hoomans may not know yet so they may think you are just hungry. But DON'T EAT IT!