Sadie's Thoughts

This is my blog. It's for when Momma is away from the compooter, which seems like never. I have lots of adventures and I'll tell you about them when no hoomans are around.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Pictures of my New Daddy

So here is a picture of me with my new Daddy on the beds. He doesn't like Puppy Kisses, but I'm giving him kisses here. He plays with me lots too. And he even feeds me my foods in the morning if Momma doesn't wanna get up. He has this idea that I need to be in a bedroom when they are gone. I don't mind my crate. We'll just have to see if Momma talks him out of it. I don't think he knows how much trouble I can get into in a bedroom! =)

Daddy now also has glasses like Momma. They have to wear them or they are blinds. I like it when they are blinds. Then they can't see me gets into trouble.

Oh, I've finally laid on the couch. It's not that comfy. I still like laying on the beds better. I'm so lucky that Momma lets me lay on the beds. I know most of you Puppy's parents don't let you on the beds. You should sneak up onto them. Unless of course, your parents close the door to them.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Lots to Blog

Lots has been going on, EveryPuppy. First off, Momma gots me a new Daddy. He's really nice. He plays with me lots. And then, Momma moved me. That sucked. I had to stay in The Crate a whole lot while Momma and Daddy cleaned the other house. And at the new house, there's all kinds of smells. There were other puppies here and kitties. The old Momma and Daddy left puppy toys in one of the drawers, but Momma gave those back, een though I really wanted to play with them.

Our new house is BIG! I can play fetch in the bedroom! And the living room was huge too, until Momma and Daddy moved the couch in. I still haven't got up on the couch cuz I'm being a good girl. But when we gots to the new house, I runned out of foods! Well, I had enough for breakfast, but then we had to go to the Puppy Store and gets me more foods. Momma had a coupon thingie and her Puppy Card so she said that was the cheapest my foods EVER was. And then I got a cheeseyburger from Mickey Ds. But Momma says she'll never get my cheeseyburgers from them anymore. They were messy! Momma still has to find my file folder so she can tell the microchip people our new address.

Okay, EveryPuppy, I'm gonna go now. Pictures later when Momma gets her camera hooked up and her own computer hooked up too.
