I tried to runned away...
I really did. See, first off Daddy blocked off the gate outside with this wood stuff. I guess they are gonna put a new gate in and while they do that, they have to take the old gate off. So to keep me in the yards, they blocked it off. So this morning, I had to go outside and was bugging Momma, so she looked outside and saw that the gates were closed, so she let me out. I hung by her for a bit to make her feel safe and then I went over to the garage door. She followed, but by the time she got there, I was already outsides! Daddy had the big garage door open! So I went esploring! Momma followed me and then Daddy camed running up. So I runned from him. I runned all the way down the street. Then Daddy caught me and I had to go inside in my crate. I was just esploring Momma. If Daddy wouldn't have chased me, I wouldn't have runned down the street.
Oh well, I tried.
Oh well, I tried.