Sadie's Thoughts

This is my blog. It's for when Momma is away from the compooter, which seems like never. I have lots of adventures and I'll tell you about them when no hoomans are around.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Momma Sickie

Hey all you pups! I'm back! No, I didn't runned away again. Momma's just been working lots and I can't get on the computer if she locks me outside!

I have a lot to tell and will eventually get to it all, but I have to say that Momma is sickie. She's been doing that coughing thing all day and she took a hot bath and she's been snuggling with me. We did play fetch today though. I did very good. I brought the ball back almost every time.

Momma came home the other week with treats for me! She said that someone at her workie gave them to her for me! So I have cookies and goodies from Momma's friend. And it wasn't even my berfday!

Barking of berfdays, mine is coming up in one month from tomorrow. I'm gonna be 4 years old! I hope we get to do something fun, like go to the puppy store. I like it there and there's always so many other doggies to say hello to.

It's starting to warm up here in the desert, finally. It was cold there for a while. Momma has a picture of the simmin pool frozened over. And this wasn't my simmin pool. It was the hoomans simmin pool. It was so cold that my water would freeze every night and Momma had to keep changing my bowls, hoping the one inside would unfreeze. So I promise I'll post pictures and tell you more later, but right now, I have to go take care of Momma.